Senate of Spain


Spanish Government


Madrid, Spain




Large Spaces


The Upper House of the Spanish Parliament, through a public tender, awarded us the contract to renovate its digital signage, with the aim of updating its facilities and modernising its spaces and ways of communicating.
We created a completely bespoke digital signage system, installing LG screens in two sizes (43-inch and 55-inch) throughout the Senate’s buildings. These screens serve as information points in common areas.


Integration of bespoke digital signage system

The content management system that the displays use takes its input from the Senate’s database, which runs on an Oracle database engine.

We integrated this database into our advanced digital signage system, creating a custom interface that seamlessly and attractively translates information from various databases into simple statements and graphics displayed on the screens.

This makes it easier to view parliamentary business, such as agendas, debates and speakers, from the corridors and common areas.

We also set up a streaming system, which records the sessions and injects the video into the system, displaying it on the monitors.

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